I love this reflection! Though I also agree that you're probably being a little tough on younger you. I studied for a year in France and while I didn't stay with a host family, a lot of the brattier observations you're making hit close to home for me!!

When I think about that time now, I think about how scared and shocked I felt, really being away from home the first time and stumbling through a new language. Nothing brings out bratty behavior quite like fear & homesickness, especially when you're a young person trying to be brave!

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Thanks so much! That’s a good point about being bratty out of fear. It’s probably the first time I had truly felt out of my element!

Also very cool that you studied abroad in France, and for an entire year. That must have been an amazing experience!

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“By not making an effort to understand differing cultures and traditions in our travels, we risk misinterpreting and later misrepresenting those customs.” So very true.

Next time in Valencia, knock on the door. 😊

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Thanks, Kate! Next time I certainly will!

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This was wonderful to read. I had a similar experience but with the French language. Studied it for years and couldn't wait to use it "for real".

Your behavior sounds about right for a twenty year old!

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Haha thanks for making me feel better!

Using a language “for real” is definitely very different from studying it in the classroom. I can’t remember now, did you study abroad/visit France? Did you find that people were receptive to you speaking French? I feel like people are so nice and understanding here in Spain!

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I didn't get to study abroad. I have several drafts started about France, my French, etc. I have lots to say. Hahaha

When I finally got to visit France, I found people very sweet and receptive.

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Oooh I’m interested to read all about your French/France whenever you decide to share it :)

That’s great to hear that people were so nice! I always hear mixed things from non-native French speakers, but everyone has always been super nice to us when we’ve been there.

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