"I normally hate anything I’m not immediately good at..." - I relate to this so much! There are several recipes where I may have slightly burnt or overcooked something so its a bit chew or it visually doesn't look like the recipe photo and I'm so disheartened. Dramatic, I know!

The only wrist exercise you can do it to keep making tortilla de patata so you get the culinary and wrist practice combined! Alternatives could be...tennis? 😅

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This looks amazing! Also: what type of potato peeler do you use?

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¡Felicidades! Congrats!!!! You did it! We all had to go through that experience for the first time! So it's not just you, we Spaniards have also felt fear the first time we've faced turning the tortilla over, with that logical fear of running out of dinner or burning our hands. So congratulations to you, Kiki! 👏👏😀And the look is perfect, I think I'm going to the kitchen right now to prepare dinner! 😋😋

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Amazing! Well done you 🙌🏼 can't wait to try it myself now 🤤

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Anticipating the flip is the worst part!😁

Excellent job! It looks delicious.

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